Bible Burning in China
Back in this post I mentioned that my mother-in-law (and I neglected to mention my step-father-in-law) teaches in China and had a Bible burned on her doorstep. She is in America at the moment and I got to meet up with her the first week of January. She shared with me the photos of the burned Bible and the accompanying note and I thought I’d share them with you as well.
I’ve blacked-out the note to remove vulgarities. Part of the note got burned as well, so the first line is hard to see. For reference, here’s what it says: “**** you! **** God! **** Jesus! Your Bible is here! I am not fooled by your religion. GO HOME!”
I believe that they are still going back this year to continue to teach English through the Bible. Please continue to keep them in your prayers.
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Feb 4 2010 @ 11:08 am
John 16:33