RSS and You!
If you have been surfing the web for any amount of time now, you probably frequent several websites, spending a good deal of time checking them daily or weekly for new content. You’ve even probably forgotten to check some of them just because they don’t have a regular update schedule, or it’s been a while since they’ve updated at all. If this fits you, then read on, because I’ve got the answer.
You’ve likely come across a smaller version of the icon on the right on several different websites. I even have it on mine here, in the upper-right hand corner. Most people probably don’t notice it as its usually tucked away on most web pages. Or if you have noticed it you’ve ignored it. Well, don’t ignore it anymore. This logo indicates that the website uses the technology called RSS or Really Simple Syndication. RSS will make your web browsing life simpler, quicker, and just plain awesome.