Everyday Creativity | Psychology Today
This is a wonderful article about how all human beings are innately creative. Everyday we solve problems and deal with situations in creative ways. When we realize this and embrace it, we won’t need to learn an artistic hobby just to cultivate our creativity.
After reading this article, I started trying to think of how I’m creative outside of my attempts at logo and web design. I suppose the most common way I flex that creative muscle is finding solutions to some of the more unique computer problems that I get myself into.
This is how I began learning how to fix computers.
Back in the day, when AfterDark was a big deal, I noticed that it played actual sound effects through my PC speaker when everything else just used beeps and boops. I spent a good deal of time convinced that if it could do that, the rest of my system could do that. Each attempt at loading the sound drivers for the rest of the system brought my dad’s computer to a grinding halt and required a flurry of creative ways to get it back up and running before he found out. I don’t remember if I was successful in fixing it without anyone knowing it was broken, but I can say that I learned A LOT of how a computer works while trying to fix it.
Almost on a daily basis, I, or my co-workers or friends are still able to come up with some unique ways to break computers, and I’m required to come up with equally creative ways to fix them.
What are some ways that you use your creativity every day?
:: Everyday Creativity | Psychology Today :: via Felicia Day on Twitter
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