God Is My Constant
There is a repeating trend that occurs among the internet population that I just don’t understand. Basically it goes like this: little known thing is seen as awesome by the few people that know about it, some big shot exec somewhere runs across it, shows it to the rest of the world which immediately loves it, and suddenly there’s a huge backlash among the original community against it. We can see this happening RIGHT now with Michael Cera. (And the execs are capitalizing on it even, below is a trailer for Scott Pilgrim that shows him getting punched, repeatedly. I guess this is what the people want now…)
While I’m not really a fan of his movies, I don’t think Michael Cera deserves the animosity, and I find this kind of backlash to be strange. I’m the type of person that’s loyal almost to a fault to the things and people that I admire. They’d have to go pretty far to lose my support, but they can lose it.
God, however, is not unstable like the people that rage against the things that they once loved, and His loyalty to His creation (that’s us) is as infinite as He is. He will not give up on us, no matter how far we stray.
The Psalmist tells us of His never ending quality:
Psalm 102:25-27
Of old You laid the foundation of the earth,
And the heavens are the work of Your hands.
They will perish, but You will endure;
Yes, they will all grow old like a garment;
Like a cloak You will change them,
And they will be changed.
But You are the same,
And Your years will have no end.
The term constant is used in mathematics and physics to define something as unchanging. It’s the exact opposite of variable. God and His word are the only constants in this world.
Just as in Lost, Daniel Faraday needed a constant to keep him grounded in his correct time line, we need a constant to keep us grounded in reality. When the world around us changes what’s good and bad, when friends decide to abandon us for other friends or interests, God is there.
If we feel God has abandoned us, it’s time to examine our lives. God does not move away from us, we separate ourselves from Him with sin. Consider Job, who lost all his possessions, children, and health, and then had his wife advise him to curse God and die. To top it all off, his friends stopped by to tell him how horrible he must have been because of all the things that’s happened to him. After all that, Job still remained faithful to God. He knew that God would never abandon him.
God will never abandon you.
So I ask you, who is YOUR constant?
If anything goes wrong, Desmond Hume will be God is my constant.
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Aug 23 2010 @ 12:13 pm
Awesome! God is MY constant!
Is Napoleon Dynamite another example of an exec discovering something awesome?
Aug 23 2010 @ 2:10 pm
Awesome is subjective so your mileage may vary. I, personally, can’t stand Napoleon Dynamite. Never liked it, never will.