Happy (New?) Year!
Where in the world did January go?
I’m not one to make New Years resolutions, I believe that if you want to make changes and improve your life, NOW is the time to do it, you shouldn’t wait for the new year. However, I have made new goals, some of which I had made even before the new year rolled around, so I figured I’d share them with you.
Unfortunately, not having written anything until February means I broke one of them. However, I view self-improvement and change as something that ends up being gradual, rather than overnight. Like the excruciatingly painful movie What About Bob says: “Baby Steps.”
So here we go, here are my goals for the new year (a month late):
- First, I want to post here more often. The funny part about this is that I’ve actually had a few things partially written to post, I just can’t seem to get them out of my head and onto the computer into any sort of complete and coherent fashion. I finally got the article about RSS done and published today. I’ve only been working on it for a couple of months. I just hope it’s clear enough for the average guy to understand. Basically it boils down to GO GET GOOGLE READER NOW.
Coming up: My notes from the youth devotional I gave Sunday night, a few older logo designs, and of course, the starter Bible Study which probably won’t be made with flash like I was wanting. Not enough time to learn it.
I’m also going to be adding several links to the Resources and Links sections on the right. I’ll talk about them in several different articles during the week. This will at least add content to the site, right?
- Second, I want to read through the Bible in full. If you haven’t noticed, I’ve put up a section to the right that has a Google Calendar with several bible verses in it. This is a daily reading schedule from One Year Bible Online. Christina and I started a little late (on the 10th) but we’ve been reading two or three days in a row to catch up. At least we were until a week or so ago. We are slackers.
- Third, I want to get healthier. This is one that I’ve been doing a little better at than the others. Back before the new year I quit Dr. Pepper and since we found out Christina has PCOS, we’ve quit carbs. Well I say we, but really, Christina quit, and I get the all the stuff with carbs that’s left in the house. I’ve since lost almost 11 lbs. Christina has lost over 22. I need to add some exercise to my routine, but I’ve always been pretty much against it. I keep wanting to start the 100 pushup challenge, but I usually forget about it until I’m at work.
- Fourth, I want to keep doing more lessons/speaking engagements. I still get absolutely stressed out and terrified whenever I know I have one coming up. The good thing is that this is something I’m not going to be able to break at all, since I’ve got several friends that keep me motivated to do them. (By motivated, they schedule me, and tell me that I’m doing them, there really is no option.) I’ll continue to post those here as I do them. The next one should be Wednesday, February 17th. Watch for it.
- Fifth, I want to be out of debt. This probably won’t happen completely by the end of the year, especially since taxes and stuff seem to be fighting us on this matter, but we’ll at least have made a good bit of headway towards it by then. I’ve got about $18,000 left to be out of what Dave Ramsey considers unacceptable debt. This includes the car loan, but not the mortgage on the house.
- Sixth, I want to have the renovations on the house done. And, this is probably pushing it, but I want to have it sold by the end of the year. Having gotten the floors down and the sheet rock and insulation up we’ve made a good deal of advancement in this matter. In March my parents are coming down to help us work on the house some more and hopefully we’ll have the kitchen we moved last year completed then.
- Seventh, I need to finish my Security+ and my Network+ certifications by the end of the year. Recent developments at COMPTIA means that if I get my certs by the end of the year, they will be good for life. If I don’t, I’ll have to re-certify either through tests or their Continuing Education Program. Since my ultimate goal is to get my MCSE, I’d rather not have to continually re-certify such beginner certifications.
That’s it so far. I think I can handle all of those, and I KNOW with God’s help I can handle them easily, even though there are a few that I’ve got to get working on seriously. Thanks to everyone who has offered a kind word of encouragement as well as prayers to help us. Encouragement and support from friends is always great motivation. I don’t want to sound greedy, but keep it coming, it’s helped so much already!
-Trey (Disciple Geek)
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Feb 3 2010 @ 1:36 pm
Great list!!!
Yep, carbs are evil. I started a no carb diet this year and I lost 16 pounds. Keep up the good work!
I too am motivated by scheduled devos and lessons. That’s a huge downside for me while attending a large congregation. I barely get to speak three times a year.
God be with you and achieving those goals!
Feb 3 2010 @ 1:42 pm
I forgot to mention that I hate making unspecific goals. They never get completed. In that vein I’d like to state that my second goal, to get healthier is really to get to 200lbs or less. I’m at 227.8 as of today. (Went back up a little this morning.) I think that’s realistic enough, right?