Sunday started the 10th week
Warning, family planning and baby talk ahead.
Before we married, my wife and I discussed our wants and wishes for children. I wanted three, she wanted more, somehow we settled on four. And we both agreed that we would wait until we’d been married five years before we started trying.
Only three years and some change had passed when we changed our minds a little less than two years ago.
A year of charting later and the doctor determined that she has PCOS.
For those not in the know, PCOS stands for Poly-Cystic Ovarian Syndrome which comes with a slew of side effects. These side effects include, but are not limited to: insulin resistance, weight gain, infertility due to not ovulating, and a greater chance of miscarriage (The miscarriage rate among PCOS pregnancies is between 45 and 50 percent as compared to 15 to 25 percent in the general population.*)
She was put on a low-carb diet, given metformin to help with the insulin resistance, and with diligence and hard work, lost 60lbs.
Unfortunately, this still did not help her ovulate. She was put on Clomid.
Then one Saturday morning after her first round of Clomid, the most advanced piece of technology you’ll ever pee on announced that she was pregnant, and my ear drums were almost shattered by her excitement.
Our prayers (as well as those of our family and friends) have been answered! But please, continue to keep us in your prayers about this.
Right now I am a mix of overwhelming emotions, primarily excitement and fear. To keep from becoming overwhelmed by one or the other, I find myself distancing from my emotions about this as much as possible. I *want* to be excited, but I don’t dare because I don’t want to be crushed if the worst happens. I know I need to just let God handle it, to trust that no matter what happens He has a plan. This. Is. Difficult. To. Do. Especially for this. I’ve prayed and I’ll keep praying for a sense of comfort and peace.
Meanwhile, my wife is growing my baby. I’ll continue to try and be a source of strength for her, because I know that the same worries and concerns are nagging in the back of her head as well, and I want her to be as stress-free as possible.
The due date is June 19th, and we should probably be finding out the sex at the end of January / beginning of February. Until then we’ve tossed around a few nicknames to refer to the baby as. While Tok’ra was an awesome suggestion (and not by me, mind you) we settled on Nugget.
Sunday started the 10th week.
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Nov 23 2010 @ 1:53 pm
Trey, we will be praying that all continues to go well with you and your wife. My cousin has this same thing and has a beautiful little boy. I have not gone through her exact problems, but being pregnant was very hard on my body and we had our own fears, so I will be praying for your growing baby “Nugget”.
Nov 23 2010 @ 9:55 pm
Congratulations to you and your wife! I will be praying smooth sailing. Enjoy this time. It all starts to go so quickly.
Nov 29 2010 @ 11:57 am
Big congrats!!!
I have prayed for you guys in this area.
60 pounds is A LOT! Go Christina! Even for the non-baby related things, I bet she’s feeling much better and has more energy.
I’ll continue to play for all three of you and stuff!
Laurin and I are also considering having 4! (If the Lord wants it.) We plan to have our second sometime around Feb 1st. Feel free to email me with any questions or fears you may have, and I can encourage you. Laurin and I highly recommend using a midwife because we believe they give parents more freedom and comfort during the pregnancy and birth. If you’re curious about that email me!
Nov 29 2010 @ 12:35 pm
Unfortunately in our state if anything happens to the mother/baby the midwife can/will be held liable to the fullest extent of the law, even if charges are not pressed. There are few midwives here because of this and I wouldn’t feel right asking anyone to take that kind of risk, so yeah, midwives aren’t really an option.