Two Brothers
The elders at our congregation are really great. They give the men of the church plenty of opportunities to preach the word in front of the assembly. Brother Vinson and his wife recently identified with our congregation and the elders eagerly put him to work Sunday night. He did an excellent job speaking, and one of his anecdotes really struck home with me. Here it is:
Two brothers, both in Christ and in the flesh died of the same genetic disease. One said that if he was diagnosed with the disease he didn’t want to know if he had it so he could die in blissful ignorance. The other said he wanted to know the second it was found out so he could get everything In order, because he knew it would take a lot of time to dot all the i’s and cross all the t’s. We’ve all been diagnosed with a deadly disease — sin. Which type of person are you? Do you want to know about your sins so you can do something about it, or would you rather stay ignorant and be lost?
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Jul 5 2010 @ 9:29 pm
Truly these times of ignorance God has overlooked, but now commands all men everywhere to repent! Thanks for the reminder of our personal responsibility.
Jul 6 2010 @ 11:12 am
Wow. I usually find these anecdotes really cheesy. But this one hits home!
I wish the elders at my congregation let the men give more lessons or preach from time to time. š
Jul 7 2010 @ 9:23 am
Ask. When I first started attending there the preacher did everything, both Sunday morning and Wednesday night Bible classes, both Sunday sermons, and the Wednesday night invitation. I knew that I would want a chance to speak if I ever got the guts up and so I got my friend who is a Deacon to request that the Wednesday night invitation be opened up to the men of the congregation… And they did it. Then they started adding other opportunities as they realized that the men wanted to speak more. I personally think it’s very healthy to hear from more than one voice — we all have something to say about our Bible studies.