It’s a Start…
But that’s all it is.
I’ve discovered rather recently that when starting a blog like this it’s easy to get caught up in wanting to make sure your design is just right and that you have plenty of content before you let anyone know its available. However, writer’s block and a penchant for perfectionism have delayed this website’s launch much longer than I’d like.
Right now all that’s available is Introductions and “On Fire for God” the first lesson I’ve given in about 20 years.
In the very near future, however, I plan on adding posts on websites and logos I’ve designed, as well as the other lesson I’ve managed to stammer out. You’ll also likely to see some of my old t-shirt designs and artwork, including the not-so-infamous infiniteGames comic strips. Of course, most importantly, once I manage to break through this writer’s block, you’ll find a fully fledged Disciple Geek Challenge.
But really, a blog starts with a single post, and grows, one post at a time, right?
Wish me luck!
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